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Our mission: Providing Golden Bay/Mohua with quality affordable housing to rent or own


GBMAHP Logo Final Right PaddingWelcome to the Golden Bay/Mohua Affordable Housing Project. This project has the goal of building quality housing which is affordable to those on lower incomes: workers, pensioners, beneficiaries, etc. Currently, over half of our population will never be able to afford to purchase their own home. Renters move on average once a year, live in unconsented and substandard housing, and are often homeless--particularly over summer. This project is specifically designed to address this housing crisis. The video below will tell you all you need to know in 7 minutes. 


Golden Bay's Housing Crisis


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Golden Bay has a dire shortage of affordable housing to rent or purchase. Unless things change, half of our population will never own a home, and those who rent face housing insecurity and homelessness.


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Affordable Housing Project


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To address the housing crisis, the Golden Bay/Mohua Affordable Housing Project is providing eligible participants affordable homes to rent and/or own. The Concept Proposal describing the project can be downloaded here. Please note that the project has 'evolved' since starting so a number of aspects of the Concept Proposal have changed.


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Are you seeking to rent or purchase affordable housing? Are you interested in helping solve Golden Bay's affordable housing crisis? Here is where you will get more information on how to register for accommodation and also how to help the project in other ways.


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